Archive | September 28, 2006


Kishore has tagged me and I am doing his bidding without kicking up a storm. People seem to hate tags.. I dont hate them so much.. 🙂 They are not so bad..

I am thinking about… all the work that is piled up here and the Damocles’ Sword called deadline.

I said…”Fish!” That’s when I developed bipolar disorder..

I want to… look beautiful on October 16th. A very special day is coming up people! 😉

I wish… I could eat roasted cashewnuts, Lays, Panneer and Cheese without gaining all those extra calories. 🙂

I hear… his voice in my head.

I wonder…  Ah! This blog is called Wond’ring Aloud.

I regret… I never regret.

I am .. therefore I don’t think.

I dance… to Iron Maiden with my 3-year old niece. We bring the roof down. Of course audience not allowed. 😛

I sing… when it rains. 🙂

I cry… almost everyday. I am easily moved.

I am not always… conscientious. I can be found doing odd stuff in odd places at odd hours with odd people.

I make with my hands… Blogs. Phonecalls. Orgasms.

I write… as a rebel’s statement. Words and words are all I have..

I confuse… names and faces.

I need… javascript widgets.

And finally… I tag…Philramble, Shravan, Ganesh, Venkat.