So many things!

Work has kept me tied down and therefore the lack of updates here… sorry!

My life had this long period of lull and suddenly too many things are happening at once and I’m so confused. Hope I come out of all the extra attention (unwanted and otherwise), unscathed!

And worst part is, I can’t write poems! 😦
They are all hiding under the bed or some place.. should find them soon and whack them soundly!

I got a new bunny with floppy ears. My teddy bear is jealous but let him face it.. this is life! 😡

Why should one have only one crush at a time? So boring! 😦

I’ve been flirting so bad in the past one month that I think I can write a book on the subject… god save me from obnoxious men who talk about surrealism, che guevara, and gorky! But then there is no god of course! 😦

How does one study Math? What the hell is it supposed to be?  Why can’t they leave the numbers be?

Friend: What is 24/40?

Me: Ummm! 24/40.

Friend: No! It is 3/5!

Me: :-s Go away you freakkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!

I’m surrounded by Math monsters… my bunny save me! (He is real unlike God!)

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